Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Current Events 2

Current Events 2

Q Due on dates listed on the syllabus; late submissions will not be accepted; submit your work via Blackboard; each assignment will be graded in the following way for a total of up to 7 points: Clarity/organization/ followed directions 1 The connection between the reading and news article is specific, student quoted and cited from assigned reading. 5-6 The connection between the reading and news article is specific, student did not quote and cite from assigned reading. 3-4 The connection between the reading and news article is general, student did not quote and cite from assigned reading. 1-2 Instructions: • Look for a current events article relating to the assigned reading; look for a news article – NOT a blog, editorial, non-journalistic website; don’t know where to look for an article? I will list suggestions on Blackboard • Write a short essay (3 paragraphs) on the article • Include a link to your article • Cite the article as well – author, date, source, etc. • You are responsible for keeping track of how many assignments you have submitted Make sure to cite the page number if you quote any of the assigned readings – in other words, if you are going to copy any phrases, sentences, words from a reading, you must cite it! Format: Paragraph One: What is this news article about? Describe the news article you have chosen to write about. Paragraph Two: How does this article relate to the assigned reading? In this section, tell me what your news piece has to do with the assigned reading. You do this by quoting or citing from the assigned reading. Demonstrate to me how carefully you have read the reading under discussion, be as detailed as possible. Assignments that receive the full 7 points quote from the assigned reading and give an in-depth discussion of a particular section of how the assigned reading relates to the news piece. Paragraph Three: What did you think of the article? Did you learn anything new? Current Events: Orientation and Identity

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In the article, “The difference between sexual orientation and gender identity”, there has been information provided about the ways in which similar and differently gendered males and females feel about their sexualities and sexual orientations similarly and differently (Adams, 2017). There have been stereotypical myths and doubts cleared about aspects like transgendered individuals can only be attracted to transgenders or homosexuals (Adams, 2017). The right of every human being to identify and proclaim their sexual identities has also been emphasized in this article (Adams, 2017).